
COVID 19: Suspension of administrative procedures and deadlines

2 Apr, 2020

Dear friends, colleagues and clients,

Many of you may have appeals or allegations pending with the Public Administration. 

Due to the situation of COVID 19  the Public Administration (Cabildo, Agencia Tributaria Canaria, Ayuntamiento,…) has agreed on suspending the administrative deadlines. The period of state of emergency will not be taken into account.

For example, in case you have to submit documents concerning a license application, to pay fees or to submit any kind of documentation,  the terms have been suspended.  You shouldn’t face any problems.

Concerning the Tax related procedures, for making appeals and allegations, terms have been suspended until April 30th 2020.

In case you have everything prepared, there is no need to wait. Your documents and appeals can be presented like usual. Because once the period of state of emergency is over the terms will run again.

Like this we will have more time to appeal or file papers and so on.

Take care of yourself, and …ALL YOU NEED IS LAW.

You already know that WE LAW YOU