
Surf & Law on the Canary Islands

9 May, 2024

In LAJARES LAW OFFICES we have two passions, the Law and Surfing. We also believe that an activity as incredible as Surfing must be grounded on rules which allow our and future generations to enjoy this sport, which transcends mere sport and which affects every aspect of our life on Fuerteventura; our economy, our tourism, fashion, ecology,…Every single one of us on Fuerteventura has some kind of connection with surfing. 

The Canary Islands Surf Federation

We would like to present to you the President of the “Canary Islands Surf Federation”, Mr. Ángel Lobo Rodrigo, who is a renowned lawyer and a dear friend of LAJARES LAW OFFICES. He has explored the relationship between Surfing and the Law in a brilliant way.

Among his numerous publications as Doctor in Law by the University of La Laguna, I enjoyed very much reading his book “La Ordenación y Gestión de las Playas” (Beach Development and Management, Edited by Tirant Lo Blanch) in which he explores the impact of surfing, from a sporting activity point of view, on the existing regulations on the beaches and the maritime-terrestrial zone where the surfing activities are practised.

The author concludes in his book that the management and the regulation of a sporting activity with such an impact on our coastal areas is not well achieved,  because of the overlap of various competences from different Public Administrations. This lack of clarity about competences and responsibilities leads to disparate regulations, unconnected and without a clear purpose, and it results in legal uncertainty.

The Canary Islands in particular, which are privileged in terms of its coastline and the possibilities for practicing and developing surfing activities and other nautical sports, lack regulations which effectively serve to protect our coastal areas and which encourage sport activities, respecting the balance in between the environment and human activities.

Fuerteventura, World Surf Reserve

Other world destinations famous for their Surf activities, have managed to organise and to protect their natural heritage, which are their beaches and their maritime areas, with the aim of promoting an obvious sporting interest and achieving the protection of their natural environment. They are so-called World Surf Reserves.

These World Surf Reserves seek to achieve a balance between coastal development at one hand and the water quality, erosion, marine debris on the other hand. By working with local communities they try to achieve a balance between the protection of the environment and the local economy.

Of course, Fuerteventura should be one of them. Cabildo Fuerteventura has already designated several waves on the island to become protected. This is a first step to consolidate the island as an orderly and efficient Surf Destination.

We Law Surfing. We Law You.

All You Need Is Law centered